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Journey of a Pet Parent

Making a presentation to the CEO was daunting but I was fully prepared with all the numbers and metrics. I had everything in place to tell him what would benefit the company. Since I had burnt midnight oil lately for the D-DAY, I decided to wind up my day early. Late on Thursday afternoon, at the coffee table, my colleague who is also my friend asked me a “harmless” little question ‘Have you planned your attire for tomorrow’s meeting with the CEO. Looking at my puzzled expression, she said, ‘don’t think too much, go home and check. I was left wondering if my way of dressing would positively affect the outcome of the meeting.

Shopping was a mission, I was out of office at 5 pm to buy a targeted item and flee the store as quickly as possible. It later became a trip of memory. In 15 minutes I finished off the look with a pair of black and white. Rushing towards the car parking, the adorable and almost human-like expression caught my attention and I was tempted to stop at the pet store. I was so enamoured with the beauty this tiny size Shih Tzu which seemed trapped at the shelter and ready to escape to a loving home. This made me push aside any serious concerns about the responsibility I was taking on. The next thing was to buy a comfy bed and I had no problem paying the exorbitant price.

All I knew was, this new puppy was truly a joy for me and the first thing I wanted to do was give it a name. We would be saying this name for years to come, so I wanted to make sure it was short and sweet. And, when I thought of sweetness, I could only think of one word ‘Sugar’ which is white and pure and adds sweetness in everybody’s life. As Sugar entered the house, she was confused about where she was and it was visible that the indoor environment made her anxious. The bell rang and she slithered along behind me. Soon Sugar started exploring her new surroundings at her own pace. While I was supervising her, I tripped a few times imagining what could she eat, climb or pull down, I had to secure all of that. I immediately kept the medicines in the safe area, placed the bathroom trash cans out of her reach, tied up the electrical cords. In many ways making the home safe for Sugar seemed like making our home safe for a toddler. In fact, I remember putting my phone on the silent mode and not switching on the television that night as every new sound would scare her. Likewise, when your kid is brand new, you live in constant fear, because every noise and activity is entirely unfamiliar.  I had understood by then that I had to give Sugar the time to get used to the environment and then introduce new sounds slowly.

Nevertheless, it was time to sleep and I put her bed close to my bed. Sugar slept for a while and as I was getting ready to sleep, I could hear her whine and squeal. She seemed restless and vulnerable, I carried her in my arms several times and then back to her bed like a mother would make a child sleep. At 4 am, I gave up. It seemed first she made a place for herself in my heart and then my bed. There came a time when I wanted to adjust my sleeping position, I could not because she was cuddling me. This just filled my heart even without trying.

It was 6 am, time to start getting ready to give a powerful experience to my boss of my work in the whole year, the deciding moment for my promotion. I changed my side and saw this fragile and adorable toy thumping her tail looking at me. Her face just melted my heart and brightened my day. It seemed she was saying ‘instead of petting me, you are sleeping. Good, you are awake now, feed me and then let’s go to the park.’  I picked up my mobile phone to check my messages, Sugar’s expression said ‘Hey mom, play with me, I am way cuter than your mobile, pick me! pick me!

 At first, I thought it might just be a ‘new pup parent’ feeling but as I was nearing towards leaving home, there was separation anxiety thinking of what would happen to Sugar when I leave. I was getting ready and Sugar was looking at me almost saying ‘Can I not go to work with you.’ Now it was becoming a stress and I decided to skip office. I was aware that Sugar till a few hours ago was not a priority on my schedule for that day, but with the responsibility that I had taken, I had to change my priority. And, thereafter I decided to make time for what I felt was important in my life at that moment.

In those few hours both me and Sugar had started understanding each other beyond words and that is when the beginning of the real relationship began. The journey of life became sweeter with Sugar.

Wait to hear how much love, laughter, and Sugar brought into our lives.

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